Understanding how professional success can impact your love life may be helpful when dating and seeking a romantic relationship. We often equate success with attractiveness, and success is often a very desirable trait when seeking a romantic partner. Still, professional success can sometimes attract the wrong people and can bring out a side of oneself that potential partners can view as a turnoff.

Success Makes You Attractive

Matchmakers will tell you that clients often request to meet others who are successful at what they do. This is because being successful takes hard work and dedication, and it shows that a person has motivation and drive, which is a very attractive quality.

Success in life also proves to others that you care about yourself, are a confident individual, and have been wise enough to take the necessary steps to bring yourself to this position in life. Therefore, people can’t help but take into account another person’s success (or a lack thereof) when dating.

Attracts the Wrong People

While being successful often attracts people who are on your same level, being successful can also attract suiters who are only interested in one thing—money. This can be quite frustrating for someone who has worked hard in hopes of soon settling down with the love of their life. Trying to weed out those looking for financial gain so you can find real love can become a tiresome task.

However, this isn’t a reason to stop working toward success and downplay your achievements. You just need to keep in mind it may take a little extra hunting to find a true soulmate who will love you for you, instead of your pay stub and tax bracket.

Creates Insecurity

Unfortunately, there are times when success can also create feelings of insecurity. In many instances, couples find each other before they achieve success and move up the corporate ladder. But when one partner becomes successful suddenly, the other person can feel left behind and overshadowed, which in turn can cause insecurity for the person who hasn’t reached that same level of success yet.

In Love With a Career

It’s okay to love your career. Successful careers are often fulfilling, empowering and bring value into your life. The problem lies within the possibility of loving a career so much that you become inflexible and are unable to make room for another person. For example, perhaps one person wants a romantic weekend getaway, but their partner works 24/7 and refuses to take time away. Behavior like this will make it difficult to find a love that lasts.

You Are Too Stressed Out

One way professional success can impact your love life negatively is through stress. We all have our bad days, but some people experience these days more than others, especially when they have a demanding or time-consuming career. Success comes with a price. All the hard work and long hours can take their toll, leaving you stressed-out, and even putting you at risk for misdirecting that stress towards your partner, whether it be through a petty argument or neglecting them emotionally.

Although success may attract a potential partner, the side-effects of career-induced stress could also send someone running. But you should never purposefully avoid success, and the stress that comes along with it, in an attempt to find true love. You just need to be aware of both the positives and negatives that professional success can bring into your dating life, so that you can navigate accordingly and find fulfillment in both your career life and love life.

Platinum Poire offers custom-tailored matchmaking in NYC. We understand the unique needs of New York’s elite singles and will navigate the sea of dating for you, ensuring your love life is as successful as you are.